$1M Sales Through Google Ads and Facebook Ads for a Construction Company

Case Buildburo

Project Manager
Max Kolot
Services provided by adburo: Facebook Ads, Google Ads
Region: Kyiv, Ukraine
Project duration: from January 2020 to the present
Ads budget: $2000-3000 per month
Website: bburo.org
This article describes how adburo helped a construction company in Kyiv, Ukraine achieve $ 1M in sales through Facebook and Google Ads. The company had issues with advertising, analytics, and lead generation, which we addressed through a systematic approach to Facebook Ads, setting up analytical services, and promoting case studies. We also provided regular reports and monitored unit economics to ensure cost-effectiveness. The result was an outstanding ROI, with a ROAS of 4263% and a customer acquisition cost of $ 727.
About Сompany
Buildburo operates as a comprehensive apartment renovation contractor, offering end-to-end solutions from design project development to final cleaning. The company prides itself on its commitment to professionalism and customer service, with a strict adherence to:

  • fixed pricing and contract terms
  • a personalized customer account on the website
  • dedicated project manager
  • full accountability for the final outcome
  • long-term guarantee

Buildburo caters to individuals who seek to avoid the hassle of managing their renovation project themselves and desire a stress-free experience.
Client’s Issues
At the time of the beginning of cooperation, the company was at the stage of building a marketing system.
One of the founders of the company was handling advertising, which required a significant investment of 3-4 hours per day. This time could have been better spent ensuring the growth and development of the business.
The company was not utilizing all the advanced features of Facebook Ads Manager, as this task was not assigned to a specialist. Consequently, the effectiveness of the advertising was merely average, and the full potential of all advertising tools remained untapped. Remarketing was not configured.
Contextual advertising in Google was not set up. In essence, no one was designated to oversee this task, and lead generation was organized exclusively through Facebook.
There was no comprehensive analytics of the results. As a result, comprehensive work was not carried out to improve the effectiveness of advertising based on statistical data.
Achieve a monthly lead generation target of 40 qualified leads within a promotion budget of up to $ 3,000 per month.
In order to achieve our stated objectives, the following tasks have been identified:
Implement a customer acquisition strategy that ensures a consistent flow of leads, regardless of seasonal fluctuations in demand.
Implement analytics and tracking using Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, and Google Optimize.
Establish Google Ads as a fully integrated promotion channel.
Utilize all advanced features of Facebook Ads Manager to ensure maximum effectiveness of ad campaigns.
Develop a range of creatives, including banners and animations in various formats, and create ad copy for advertising campaigns. Refresh creatives every 3−5 months.
Construct a comprehensive sales funnel from the initial contact to communication with the sales department. Collect conversion rate statistics and implement strategies to enhance conversion rates.
Collect data on the audience that performs targeted actions on the website and create a remarketing strategy.
Implementation and Results
  1. Setting up Analytical Services for Buildburo
At the beginning of our project with Builburo, we set up analytical services to ensure the success of digital marketing efforts.
Our comprehensive checklist, which includes over 50 items, guided us in setting up Google Ads, Google Analytics, Google Optimize, Google Tag Manager, and creating and setting up the Facebook Ads Manager. Moreover, dynamic call tracking is an essential service for collecting data on leads who contact a company via phone. This step is crucial in gaining valuable insights into the performance of campaigns and website, and helps us make data-driven decisions to improve clients’ online presence.
By using these analytical tools, we can track website traffic, measure the effectiveness of advertisements, and optimize the user experience for the target audience. Overall, these services play a key role in ensuring the success of our digital marketing strategy for Builburo.
2. Optimizing Google Ads for Effective Audience Targeting and Increased Website Traffic
We approached the Google advertising campaigns for our client's services by first agreeing on the specific details with them. It was decided that their services would only include full complex repairs for apartments in Kyiv, and that secondary housing would not be renovated. With this in mind, we focused on keywords such as "apartment renovation in new buildings" and "house renovation" to bring in the relevant audience to the appropriate page on the site.

To ensure a logical segmentation of the keywords, we divided them into groups according to their meanings. However, we did not stop there, as we knew that a cross-backing track was equally important. Without this step, segmentation would lose its purpose, which is to guide each relevant audience to the right page. We established a cross-backing track at the start of our work and continuously refined it as search queries accumulated and new groups were created.

We also formulated and regularly updated general lists of stop words, which helped us to eliminate any irrelevant search terms. Our team tested various offer options that catered to different customer needs and analyzed the results to determine the most effective advertising strategies for our client.
Google Ads helped us develop an attribution system for Buildburo and enabled clients to access our website through various sources.
3. Systematic Approach to Facebook Ads: Crafting Customized Campaigns
We believe in taking a systematic approach to each task, and that's why we break down our work into smaller components.

When it comes to Facebook Ads, the four key components are:
ad copy
By focusing on each of these areas, we are able to craft customized campaigns that deliver real results for our clients.

For Buildburo, we created various types of campaigns including lead generation, conversion, and brand awareness campaigns. Our audiences were defined by interests, look-a-like targeting, and narrow location targeting of specific residential complexes.

Our creatives ranged from still images that highlighted the benefits of our client's services, to photos of finished apartments, videos, and animations. These ads effectively showcased the client's services and projects, leading to high engagement and conversions.
This creative is for an ad campaign promoting a case study on renovating a one-room apartment for profitable long-term rent.
This creative promotes Buildbureau’s benefits with a focus on their professional and ethical approach to construction.
The banner highlights the personal account feature available to customers, where all relevant information related to their full apartment renovation project is accessible via their phone.
These creatives depict a scenario where clients are able to continue with their preferred activities while Buildburo takes care of their renovation project, including attending social gatherings, participating in yoga sessions, and joining virtual meetings.
We created unique animations for stories to attract prospects and differentiate ourselves from other contractors who only communicate on price and quality.

Our emphasis was on the client experience during renovation, showcasing how they can enjoy their free time while we take care of the work. Our personal account feature allows clients to track the renovation progress on their phone.
In terms of budget management, we employed the best strategies for scaling campaigns, including CBO (Campaign Budget Optimization). Our goal was to maximize our client's investment and achieve the best possible return on ad spend.

By using a systematic approach, we were able to create effective Facebook Ad campaigns that delivered real results for our client.
To increase conversions, we used Facebook remarketing campaigns to target potential clients who had visited the Buildburo website but hadn't taken any action. Our relevant ads yielded significant results and proved the effectiveness of remarketing campaigns in this industry.
4. Maximizing Results with Case Study Promotion
Promoting Buildburo's projects through case studies has proven to be a highly effective tactic for generating leads. By showcasing real-life experiences from past projects, potential customers gain a deeper understanding of the company's work and approach.

Our team uses Google Tag Manager to target the right audience and conduct remarketing efforts, resulting in 89% of leads coming from case pages or the Renovation Calculator. This powerful tool allows us to track website behavior and analyze data to make informed decisions and improve our marketing strategy.
Case study promotion is especially beneficial for complex and expensive products, as it allows prospective customers to thoroughly examine the company's experience and successes. This approach sets Builburo apart from the competition and conveys a systematic approach to project implementation and high level of service.
Creating case studies is complex and time-consuming but the end results speak for themselves.

Team of at least four individuals, including a Buildburo representative, copywriter, UI/UX designer, and graphic designer, work together to produce a valuable resource for sales and marketing efforts that highlights the company's strengths and answers key questions for the target audience.

The end result is a valuable resource that provides a wealth of information for prospective customers, including:
  • A deep understanding of the company's work and approach
  • Evidence of a systematic approach to project implementation and high level of service
  • A differentiation from the competition
  • Highlighting of the company's strengths and successes
  • Answers to key questions for the target audience.
Creating case studies is complex and time-consuming but the end results speak for themselves.

Team of at least four individuals, including a Buildburo representative, copywriter, UI/UX designer, and graphic designer, work together to produce a valuable resource for sales and marketing efforts that highlights the company's strengths and answers key questions for the target audience.

The end result is a valuable resource that provides a wealth of information for prospective customers, including:
  • A deep understanding of the company's work and approach
  • Evidence of a systematic approach to project implementation and high level of service
  • A differentiation from the competition
  • Highlighting of the company's strengths and successes
  • Answers to key questions for the target audience.
Once you have created a well-crafted case study, it can serve as a valuable asset that can continue to generate new leads and clients for your business over an extended period. This holds true for any business that offers a high-end product or service.
Examples of case studies:
Renovation of a 2-room apartment for a...
A detailed story about all stages of repair, nuances, cost of work and solutions that we applied
view case
New England Residential complex
Renovation of a one-room apartment for a long-term rent
view case
How we did a contemporary renovation of a rental apartment and how much it cost
A "withered" one-bed turned into a stylish and comfy dwelling. We used light-grey paint, floor-to-ceiling wardrobes and JYSK furniture
view case
Renovation in practice...
A detailed review of all stages, practical solutions and...
view case
Renovation as seen by...
What renovation looks like as seen by the customer.
view case
Victory V Residential complex
A modern two-bedroom apartment in the city centre.
view case
Monthly, we work closely with our client to assess the performance of their advertising campaigns by analyzing key metrics on ZOOM calls or through LOOM entries. A sample report is provided to illustrate our approach.
Monthly, we work closely with our client to assess the performance of their advertising campaigns by analyzing key metrics on ZOOM calls or through LOOM entries. A sample report is provided to illustrate our approach.
Moreover, we take a deep dive into the unit economics of the client's business by monitoring the cost of customer acquisition (CAC). This metric is crucial as it provides an overall picture of the advertising effectiveness and the complete sales funnel, from an ad click to a signed contract. Our team calculates this indicator using the client's sales data, ensuring that we have a comprehensive understanding of the performance and areas for improvement. Here is the example:
December, 2021
January, 2022
Number of leads
Conversion rate
Customer acquisition cost (САС)
UAH 16 500,00
UAH 17 750,00
December, 2021
January, 2022
Number of leads
Conversion rate
Customer acquisition cost (САС)
UAH 16 500,00
UAH 17 750,00
Outstanding ROI: Achieving Success through Data-Driven Marketing
In 2021, our efforts in promoting Buildburo generated impressive results. The average monthly number of leads was 34, which exceeded the client’s expectations.

Despite a budget of $21,111 for promotion, the return on investment was substantial, with a ROAS of 4263%. This means that for **every dollar invested in advertising, Buildburo generated more than $42 in revenue**. With a customer acquisition cost of $727 and an average lead cost of $52, the cost-effectiveness of our promotional strategies was evident.

The unit economics results for the year 2021 are as follows:
  • The average monthly number of leads - 34
  • The budget for promotion - $21,111
  • Customer acquisition cost - $727
  • Lead cost - $52
  • ROAS - 4263%
Thank you for taking the time to read about our successful collaboration with Buildburo. We are passionate about helping businesses overcome their marketing challenges and achieve their goals. If you’re facing similar issues with advertising, analytics, or lead generation, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’d be happy to discuss how we can help your business grow and succeed.
First Step
We can start discussing your project. Or we can conduct an audit of your advertising campaigns
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